Dyslexia Assessments

I have partnered with Karen Hamlin an exceptional Dyslexia Assessor and Specialist Teacher. Karen can offer dyslexia diagnostic assessments which are accepted for DSA applications.

Karen's philosophy:

"The importance of education cannot be overstated, however many children do

not have the opportunity to reach their full potential due to their educational

needs not being met. I am passionate about working with all such children and

young people in helping them to reach their full potential."

Karen holds AMBDA accreditation and a current Assessment Practising Certificate, recognising her as a Specialist in Dyslexia/Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs). She is qualified to conduct dyslexia diagnostic assessments (accepted for DSA applications), facilitate exam access arrangements, and deliver specialist teaching programs. In addition, Karen provides training on inclusive teaching strategies that can be applied in all learning environments to support every learner. 

Prices on request.

For more information phone me or send a text or WhatsApp on 07792292218

Email me barry@examsaccessarrangements.com
